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Nachiketas is just not a school, it is a thought, and the thoughtfulness of our Nachiketas are our representatives. Gau Seva was one such innovative homework given to them. Where they were asked to show their care to animals. Cows considered as mother in sanatan dharm so as to achieve the sense of respecting culture and principles […]

Innovative Homework

Innovative Homework

इनोवेटिव होमवर्क विशेष दिनों पर विशेष कार्य करना यह नचिकेता स्कूलिंग सिस्टम का नियमित कार्य रहा है. हम हर त्यौहार को विशेष तरीके से मनाते हैं. इस बार छात्रों ने उदारतापूर्वक गौ माता को मिश्रित अनाज (खिचड़ा) परोसा और मकरसंक्रांति मनाई। इनोवेटिव होमवर्कके भाग के रूप मेंछात्रों ने गौ माता को अनाज और चारा दिया […]

Project Anushthan

Project Anushthan

The students of primary and secondary section of Nachiketa schooling system is performing anusthan during these nine days of Navratri…… Anu means firm. Sthan means place, or residence — the original place of residence of the Lord. By the practice of anusthans, the negative, external, worldly factors that influence the mind and body can be […]