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Gujarati Medium Students Visit ISRO Space Exhibition

Gujarati Medium Students Visit ISRO Space Exhibition

Today Nachiketaz Gujarati Medium Students Visited Science Exhibition at AVPTI Collage Which was held by ISRO. There were a lot of Science Projects regarding to solar energy and space which will be helpful to us in future studies. We have met ISRO Scientists and also those people who have worked in Mangalyan. It was such […]

Matrubhasha Week Day-4

Matrubhasha Week Day-4

Matrubhasha week Day 4 Raashtreeya Shaayar…And one of the legendary Gujarati poet whose work is full of bravery and courage .. Zaverchand Meghani was one such personality whom everyone of us know. One of his enthusiastic and energetic work means his poem.. Charankanya.Students sang the poem and celebrated the 4th day of Matrubhasha Week in […]

Matrubhasha Week Day-3

Matrubhasha Week Day-3

Matrubhasha week – day 3 Gujarati language is full of diversity.There are many words which are not used in daily conversation but it has a big deal of importance which enriches the language. Large number of poems written by contemporary poets like Meerabai has beautifully used such lone words and has enriched the language . […]

Matrubhasha Week Day-2

Matrubhasha Week Day-2

Matrubhasha week – Day 2 Listening to stories  helps children to develop their sense of imagination, which is vital for their future development. By listening to stories, kids gets to hear lot of new words. Repeating the words will help widen their vocabulary. We at Nachiketa Schooling System celebrates Matrubhasha week by telling stories by a prominent Gujarati story writer […]

Matrubhasha Week Day-1

Matrubhasha Week Day-1

  Matrubhasha week…Day 1 “If one’s mother tongue is forgotten,one’s value will also be forgotten” Mother tongue makes it easier for children to pick up and learn other languages. Mother tongue develops a child’s personal, social and cultural identity. Using mother tongue helps a child develop their critical thinking and literacy skills. We at Nachiketa […]



Anti Mobile week -Day 2 Cell phones are one of the few devices that have become an integral part of our daily lives.But the excessive and unwanted use of the device may cause many dreadful diseases Like Cancer and heart disease.On the World Cancer Day 4th February Nachiketa Schooling System made a good favor by […]



Anti mobile week….Day 1 Say no to mobile! Mobile is no -doubt an useful device but to those who really needs it. It is totally hazardous for kids. We …at Nachiketa Schooling System celebrates Anti mobile week to make kids aware about the harmful effects of the use of mobile by kids through drama.

Fun With Mom

Fun With Mom

Fun with Mom. “Mother is a walking miracle.” Nachiketa schooling system gave a splendid chance to celebrate motherhood to the mothers of the sparkling kids of pre primary and primary students. Activity entitled Fun with Mom was arranged at school in which mothers along with their child danced….Sang and played a drama. The performances were […]

Fun With Region

Fun With Region

Prep event Fun with Region To inculcate the feeling of being a true citizen of India And to know the fact of Unity in diversity Nachiketa Schooling System Has designed a special event for the pre primary students Fun with Region In this event students as well as teachers have tried their level best to […]

Rangrezz Drawing Competition

Rangrezz Drawing Competition

Rangrezz drawing and colouring competition….For std 5th to 8th… A drawing and colouring on the theme of …Plastic free India….Was conducted in Nachiketa Schooling System by My FM…Students drew various creative images on their views of plastic free India.