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Fit Always Hit Week

Fit Always Hit Week

“Fit always hit week” Street games, As we Nachiketaz are different… instead of harming mobile games we played interesting and important street games are our school, Lets recall & refresh our childhood, Have you ever played with marbles? Are you able to spin top on your palm? Do you remember that rope skipping? Our tiny […]

Navratri Celebration

Navratri Celebration

Navratri…A festival to fast and feast… A festival to celebrate and creat….. A festival to play and pray…. Shining Nachiketaz of our pre primary section celebrated this biggest festival with their friends and teachers in a grand manner.Students dressed traditionally looked awesome and their tiny steps along with the musical notes made them even more […]

Project Anushthan

Project Anushthan

The students of primary and secondary section of Nachiketa schooling system is performing anusthan during these nine days of Navratri…… Anu means firm. Sthan means place, or residence — the original place of residence of the Lord. By the practice of anusthans, the negative, external, worldly factors that influence the mind and body can be […]

Drawing Competition

Drawing Competition

Creative Nachiketaz……Of our pre primary and primary section…..Took part in the drawing competition held by A Smart Mind Academy…..!!! Colouring has an important place in child development and can easily be in- corporate into a child’s day. It provides an opportunity to practice and develop many skills such as concentration, fine motor and co- ordination for early writing […]

Show And Tell

Show And Tell

The higher kinder garten students of Nachiketa Schooling System presented various toys …Fruits and vegetables in the activity of show and tell. Students described the things to the audience very nicely and thus enhanced their skill of public speaking. It will help the students to strengthen their language and communication skill.

Nature’s Day

Nature’s Day

Nature’s day was celebrated at Nachiketa schooling system in an extraordinary manner…Students were guided to use the products which can be reduce….Reuse and recycle…..Students were also given information about how one should help to save trees and help in saving the nature from further getting polluted. Save water…. Save animals…. Save trees… Say No to […]

Teachers Day Celebration

Teachers Day Celebration

A Teachers day was celebrated at Nachiketa schooling system with lots of educative spirit. Students from standard 4th to 8th were assigned the role of teacher delegates….. Right from prep to std 8th…..Students enjoyed and learned that ..Teaching is not a hard work….But it’s heart work..!!!!!!

Janmastami Celebration

Janmastami Celebration

The birth day of lord Krishna was celebrated with great enthusiasm and joy by the kids of Nachiketa schooling system. English ans gujarati medium students performed Dances along with the skit where Lord Krishna…Of the todays age ….guided them about the best way to perform.the duty in any circumstances….. Students enjoy and had a lot […]

Janmastami Celebration

Janmastami Celebration

The birth day of lord Krishna was celebrated with great enthusiasm and joy by the kids of Nachiketa schooling system. English ans gujarati medium Pre primary Students performed various dance …Sang songs and did the matki phod….. Students enjoy and had a lot of fun in matki phod….