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FOS – Team Vachikam @Nachiketa

FOS – Team Vachikam @Nachiketa

FOS – Vachikam Team From Ahmdabad – Naishadbhai Famous RJ & Head of Jalsa Mobile application Be Better Be Great Talk less Listen more !!!!! One more wonderful FOS Nachiketaz were able to hear and meet one of top 5 RJ’s of Gujarat and the head of the Jalsa application Mr.Nishadbhai and his team. Giving […]

Emotional Trip

Emotional Trip

Emotional trip It is generally thought that the person having high IQ is intelligent but Nachiketa schooling system thinks differently The school thinks that the person having high EQ. that is Emotional quotient Is far better then having high IQ.To develop the emotional ties with the elder generations School has arranged an emotional trip to […]

Seminar – Vedic Maths

Seminar – Vedic Maths

Vedic Maths Nachiketa schooling system is known for its innovative methods of teaching learning process. One such attempt was to teach the basic skills of maths by the methods of vedic maths Students learnt many basic tips and methods to make their basic maths foundation strong.!

Street Old Game

Street Old Game

Street old games.. Games The word itself says a lot Teaches a lot But from last many years the word is being used for mobile games only We at Nachiketa schooling system Makes the true value and meaning of the word Games Here students played many old street games and enjoyed their childhood away from […]

Eye Check-up Camp

Eye Check-up Camp

Eye check-up camp Healthy body, Healthy mind !! The base of the education is to master the skills like Listening..Speaking..Reading.. Writing.. Nachiketa schooling system strongly believes that in this all the 5 sense organs need to be in perfect co ordination ! To gain a perfect co ordination the most sensitive organ Eyes were being […]

Fun With Region

Fun With Region

Prep event Fun with Region To inculcate the feeling of being a true citizen of India And to know the fact of Unity in diversity Nachiketa Schooling System Has designed a special event for the pre primary students Fun with Region In this event students as well as teachers have tried their level best to […]

FOS- Gujarati Film Actor

FOS- Gujarati Film Actor

Nachiketaz are privileged As they get opportunities to meet and know the inspiring and talented people through the concept of FOS Friends of School… One such FOS…Who visited the school was Miss.Diya Patel The lead role actor of the Gujarati film Diya – A wonder girl. 9 years old girl from Ahmedabad inspired and motivated […]

Rangrezz Drawing Competition

Rangrezz Drawing Competition

Rangrezz drawing and colouring competition….For std 5th to 8th… A drawing and colouring on the theme of …Plastic free India….Was conducted in Nachiketa Schooling System by My FM…Students drew various creative images on their views of plastic free India.

Friend of School Jignesh Dada

Friend of School Jignesh Dada

Friend of Schoool Jignesh dada…. Nachiketaz were blessed by the presence of the most known Gujarati kathakar…..Jignesh Dada…his divine thoughts inspired the students, his guidance of being positive towards each and every situation motivated kids to take the situation positively….

Mahatma Gandhi Museum

Mahatma Gandhi Museum

Exhibition helps to know the great personalities deeply. One such multimedia exhibition was held on 12th October,2019 showing the wide and deep insight about the Father of Nation….Mahatma Gandhi…..and his dream of ….One India…Powerful India….!!! His views…Ideas…And moral values were very nicely shown using LED screen,3-d hologram and virtual reality images. Nachiketaz got a privilege […]