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Embracing Tradition: Nachiketa Schooling’s Gaushala Expedition

Embracing Tradition: Nachiketa Schooling’s Gaushala Expedition

Nachiketa Schooling System organized a trip for children to a Gaushala, emphasizing the importance of connecting with nature and traditional values. By visiting Gau-shala, students were encouraged to reconnect with their roots and cultural heritage. The experience left students excited and eager to engage with the cows, fostering a sense of pride and reverence towards […]

Nachiketas’ Farm Adventure: Bridging Classroom and Nature

Nachiketas’ Farm Adventure: Bridging Classroom and Nature

Nachiketa embarked on a field trip to “The Farm” to bridge classroom learning with real-world experiences. Immersed in lush green fields, they learned about the entire cultivation process, from sowing seeds to harvesting. Delighted by the novelty and closeness to nature, the students cherished this educational outing, which offered them a firsthand glimpse into the […]

Language Carnival 2023

Language Carnival 2023

Language carnival- 2023, Magic of words. Wonderful, extraordinary mega event! Nachiketas performed debate, extempore and vachhikum showing excellency in public speaking. Special Thanks to our Jury Panel Campus Director Shree Amit Dave, 94.3 MY FM Famous RJ Nupur and Principal Shree Krupa Mehta. #NachiketaSchoolingSystem #DreamSchoolOfSairamDave #Education

Social soldiers – CPR Training

Social soldiers – CPR Training

Nachiketa Schooling System had a prestigious team of FOS – Friend of school for the month of October. A team of Critical care from Jay Multispecialty- Dr Pankaj Thoriya, Dr Harsh Jagani, Kalpesh Desai, Bitu Desai visited the school and guided and trained students for CPR – Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, an emergency life saving procedure. After […]

Dynamic Debates and Engaging Extempore: A Recap

Dynamic Debates and Engaging Extempore: A Recap

Students from grades 6 to 8 showcased their oratory skills through debates, extempore speeches, and vachikam performances. Touching upon various trending topics such as social media, parenting styles, technology in education, and junk food, they captivated judges and audience alike. With even parents joining in the enthusiasm, the event served as a platform for lively […]

Cultivating knowledge: Nachiketa Journey in Experiential Education

Cultivating knowledge: Nachiketa Journey in Experiential Education

As Nachiketa believe in fostering holistic education that goes beyond the confines of classroom walls. Recognizing the importance of practical experiences in learning, Nachiketa recently organized a visit to a local vegetable market for Prep Standard students. Nachiketa Schooling System aimed to impart valuable lessons about where our food comes from and the significance of […]



Board Exams बहोत नजदीक है, इस बिच नचिकेता स्कूलींग सिस्टम के दशवी कक्षा के विद्यार्थीओ को सांईराम सर ने #Stress_Free_Exam कैसे दी जाती है एवं परीक्षा में कीन बातो का खासतौर से ध्यान रखना चाहिए जैसी कई बातो के बारे में विद्यार्थीओ को जानकारी दी और कॉन्फिडेंस के साथ परीक्षा देने के लिए मोटिवेट किया। […]

“A Celebration of Generations – Nachiketa’s Unforgettable Grandparents Day”

“A Celebration of Generations – Nachiketa’s Unforgettable Grandparents Day”

Nachiketa extended a warm invitation to the beloved Dada-Dadi’s and Nana-Nani’s of the students. As laughter echoed through the corridors, grandparents and grandchildren joined hands to partake in an array of playful activities, fostering bonds that spanned generations. From timeless classics like musical chairs to collaborative crafts, every moment was imbued with love and nostalgia. […]